The program is based on the 6 key tenets of Naturopathy


It's wonderful that you are here, investing time and focusing on your health and well being.

I assure you this program is worth your investment.

This video provides an overview of what this program is based on - which is why it is effective. It's just over 11 mins long. Please feel free to increase the speed of the videos to 1.5 (Settings icon at bottom right of screen; Speed > 1.5).

A unique program based on naturopathic medicine

This program is build upon the foundation of the six traditional tenets of naturopathy. These may sound a little like common sense, and are time proven to effectively support your health behaviour change.

Simple, rational, and effective approaches to creating true behaviour change and whole health.

Here's the traditional tenets and how they are used in Alcohol free in 14 days:

Tenet 1: First do no harm

·      Clearly recognise what safe and unsafe levels of alcohol consumption are

·      Consider alcohol withdrawal symptoms and act to reduce them

·      Know supplements and supports that will help you, at their appropriate doses

·      Have the information to identify who might need professional support to withdrawal from alcohol safely

Tenet 2: Stimulate the healing power of nature

(in the video, I left this one until last, but it is a primary tenet in natural medicine)

·      Activating physical responses to vitalise the body and mind

·      Deepening connection to your natural self and the living world

·      Clear understanding alcohol detoxification processes, so we know which tissues, organs and systems can be supported with nutrients and herbs

·      Eating and drinking vitalising foods and herbs to fuel natural energy production

·      Implementing stress management and deep relaxation practices to preserve and restore energy

Tenet 3: Find and treat the cause

The key causes and perpetuation of alcohol misuse and dependence are social patterns and habits, anxiety and poor stress management, trauma and genetic predisposition to enzyme production. Therefore Alcohol free in 14 days Program also;

·      Reflects on patterns and paves new ways of behaving and socialising

·      Supports nervous systems responses and embraces different stress mastery approaches, including yoga, meditation, ways of eating and herbal medicines

·      Provide insights into addiction and recovery, as well as resources to help resolve and heal

·      Understand how some people can manage higher levels of alcohol, which can lead to misuse and overtime, alcohol dependence

Tenet 4: Treating the whole person

·      Supporting physical body with nutrients and herbal medicine, sleep and relaxation support, breathing practices and exercise guidance

·      Calming the mind through considering brain chemistry and providing good nutrition for the brain, supporting gut microbiome, and providing mindfulness and mantra practices

·      Acknowledging your soul and spirit and encouraging the further exploration of your precious, unique life

·      Identify the types of environments that support health and make plans to create this milieu

Tenet 5: Prevention

Drinking less alcohol is one of the best things you can do for your health. We know that risk factors for many disease states, including cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, as well as accidents and sexual health are reduced when alcohol is drunk in moderation. The program provides some brass tacks; the “dirt on alcohol” files, as sober reminders of the risks associated with overuse of alcohol.

Tenet 6: Doctor as Teacher

This is a course that is all about educating you how to have fun and enjoy life without overdoing the grog. It’s also a program which reminds you of your unique and precious life. It discusses what aspiration is, and how to enlist yours to make better decisions.

The key aim of the program is to empower individuals to nurture their healthy relationship with alcohol, therefore everyone’s experience and journey will be unique.

See you inside.

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