Morning Day 1: Set Your Path - Goals & Gratitude

Welcome to Reset Yourself!

Here's your Day 1 video from your host Sally Mathrick

Key message from Day 1:

1. Some questions to help you define YOUR intention for the next 5 days:

  • What do you want to GET out of this reset?
  • What do you want to PUT into it?
  • What values can you drawn on to create a steely intention that can withstand temptations?
  • How can you commit so you can follow through for your 5 day reset?
  • What's your previous pattern if/when you break your intention? What can you learn from that, so that this time you set yourself up to win?

2. Capture gratitude every day:

Every evening before you go to bed, for the next 5 days, record THREE things that you're grateful for. It is THE attitude of gratitude that can help you shift your perspective and make real, positive changes in your life.


More fluids - whether through water, herbal teas, soups, fresh fruit and veggie. You need approximately 2000ml (2liters/67 fl oz) each day as a base line. If not drinking much at the moment, build up slowly with an extra sip or half glass each day, until drinking (and eating) sufficient water.


We know that what drives us are our values.

When we can identify what is valuable to us - what is special, sacred, and highly respected - it sheds light on what's important and what our purpose is.

Acaedmics at Penn Uni and others, have developed a wonderful body of work, called Positive Psychology.

One arm of this work developed this survey to help people identify their core strengths, which reflect their core values. The premise is, that if your daily actions are playing to your strengths, and aligned with your values, your life is more satisfying.

You can take the test yourself (please note: you will need to give them your information) - Values In Action Character Strengths - HERE

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